Last week, we made an announcement stating that our ability to receive SMS notifications for GCash transactions has been disabled. We observed that the most recent SMS notification we received was on July 17, 2023, precisely at 9:30 AM. Subsequently, we initiated a support ticket and allowed a week’s time for their response. Strangely, the ticket I had opened seems to have vanished from the assistance section of the GCash App.
14 AUG 2023
Further investigation revealed that an official announcement had been made by GCash on September 6, 2022, informing users about the discontinuation of SMS notifications. This might explain the sudden lack of SMS notifications and the absence of my support ticket in the app’s help section.
So, how does this affect us? We’ve been heavily reliant on SMS notifications to verify transactions for loadcentral wallet replenishment. As only one authorized person has access to the GCash App, our verification process might now take longer than usual. However, there’s no need to worry. We are actively working on a solution to expedite this verification process. We plan to issue a separate announcement regarding this matter, outlining the steps we will be taking to ensure that transaction verifications remain efficient.
07 AUG 2023
Starting July 17, 2023, we want to inform you about a recent change in the way we receive GCash notifications for transactions, particularly for your wallet replenishment. Unlike before, automatic notifications for each transaction are not being received. Consequently, along with the volume of transactions needing verification, we are also encountering delays due to this change, as we now need to manually review and verify every transaction.
We want to assure you that we have already taken action on this matter by opening a ticket with GCash and addressing our concern to them. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period, as we work to streamline the verification process. We will continue to update this memo as soon as notifications are back to normal.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.